Ayaneo has unveiled its new handheld device, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG, on IndieGogo. This GameBoy-inspired gadget sports a Qualcomm Snapdragon G3X Gen 2 chip and features an OLED screen, drawing attention with Early Bird prices. For those interested in getting their hands on one, the basic model, which comes with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage, is just $339 USD. If you’re looking for something more robust, there’s a high-end version available at $499 that boosts the RAM to 16GB and ups the storage to 512GB. There’s even a snazzy “Retro Color” Limited Edition, retailing at $589 during the Early Bird phase.
When it comes to performance, the Snapdragon chip does a commendable job for mobile gaming, able to play titles like Genshin Impact smoothly at 60 FPS. Plus, it can handle console emulation for systems up to the GameCube and PlayStation 2 era without breaking a sweat, even at higher resolutions. However, if you’re not using it to complement another PC handheld, you might find the Valve’s Steam Deck a more game-rich and budget-friendly option.
Over and above the specs and pricing, this handheld surprises with its range of features considering its size and cost. Between the concealed trigger buttons nestled among the shoulder buttons, optional motion controls, and the right touchpad, you get all the control options needed for modern gaming, especially when streaming from a PC to the Ayaneo Pocket DMG. The analog stick, despite being small, uses hall-effect technology, which means it’s less likely to develop the notorious stick drift over time.
Some might say an OLED screen on a device this small is overkill, but considering that premium options like the Analogue Pocket favor high-end displays, Ayaneo’s choice makes sense. In the Pocket DMG, you’ll find a 3.92-inch OLED with a resolution of 1,240 x 1,080, capable of displaying 104% of the NTSC color gamut and reaching up to 450 nits of brightness. The quick response of OLED displays is a boon for retro gaming, although the device won’t outshine the Steam Deck OLED or other powerful PC handhelds for AAA title adventures.
In terms of emulation and Android gaming, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG presents itself as a strong—if not premium—option, especially for its size. Although investing in models with 12GB or 16GB of RAM (LPDDR5X) might seem excessive since it’s not a PC handheld, the demands of modern mobile gaming and emulation can be hefty. For good value, the entry-level model paired with a supplemental SD card is the savvy choice.
Additionally, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG is equipped with USB 3.2 Gen 2 via a Type-C port capable of 10 Gigabits throughput, alongside Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.3 support. While its wired connectivity won’t blow anyone away, it’s sufficient for transferring smaller games and files, and the Wi-Fi 7 support is especially nifty for streaming applications like Steam Remote Play.
A gentle reminder: contributing to a crowdfunding campaign doesn’t guarantee a finished product. Supporting crowdfunded projects is more like making an investment because you believe in its success. It’s not the same as buying retail.