Role-playing games often boast a myriad of elements players can easily overlook, and for one developer of Avowed, that’s what truly defines the genre.
In today’s gaming landscape, there’s a significant drive towards achieving 100% completion, largely due to the allure of trophies and achievements. These accolades often serve as a badge of honor for those who dedicate countless hours to exploring every nook and cranny a game has to offer. However, if we rewind to the earlier days of gaming, many players would frequently skip over certain aspects, and according to Berto Ritger, a senior area designer and region director at Obsidian Entertainment, that’s almost by design. In a conversation with GamesRadar about the highly anticipated Avowed, Ritger emphasized that “the heart of RPGs lies in their missable content. It makes the gaming experience feel deeply personal based on how an individual chooses to navigate the game.”
Ritger appreciates how this variety of options in RPGs aids in sparking conversations among players, given that not everyone is going to have the identical journey through a game. “It fuels discussions when someone might say, ‘Oh, did you discover that hidden spot under the docks on the eastern side? And if you climb up, there’s something else up there too.’ These discoveries lead to intriguing exchanges because one person may unearth something their friend hasn’t, prompting a unique dialogue about the game.”
Nonetheless, there are certainly moments in Avowed that the developers at Obsidian want players to experience. Ritger notes, “We will guide your focus towards elements we’re excited for you to engage with. A towering lighthouse, for example, is designed to catch everyone’s eye—naturally prompting players to want to climb it. We support those instincts, and once at the top, you have the choice to leap into the ocean. It’s our way of directing attention while permitting exploration at your own pace.”
Personally, I find nostalgia in those times when we didn’t have a complete roadmap of a game laid out for us. Sharing casual conversations about what one player stumbled upon and another missed enriches the experience. So, if Avowed is on your gaming radar, perhaps embrace the path less traveled and discover some hidden delights along the way.