Strange World stands out as one of Disney’s most tragically overlooked gems. This adventure-packed film masterfully combines the familiar Disney theme of generational trauma, tracing the lives of the Clade family across three generations. Each family member grapples with their perception of who they are meant to be, offering a rich narrative as the grandfather, father, and son confront their differing beliefs. This engaging story is backed by some of Disney’s most breathtaking animation, though sadly, it didn’t grace nearly enough theaters.
Drawing inspiration from classic adventure flicks like Indiana Jones, Strange World integrates environmental themes set within a beautifully crafted alien realm. The world is a visual feast, brimming with unexpected, otherworldly landscapes, vibrant personalities, and creatures that live up to the film’s title. Despite the fantastical setting, the heart of the story remains deeply human, centering on the Clades’ familial misunderstandings. It’s only through venturing into perilous, uncharted territory that they begin to see what was in front of them all along.
Unfortunately, Disney failed to give this film the marketing push it deserved, leading to its disappointing box office performance. For those with a Disney+ subscription, it’s available for streaming, and trust me, it’s an absolute must-watch. This movie deserved so much more recognition than it received.