The Folio Society has collaborated with Marvel to bring fans a stunning hardcover compilation called “Marvel: Unforgettable Stories.” This exquisite 280-page volume showcases some of the iconic tales from the beloved comic universe. You can get your hands on this collection through The Folio Society for $100. It includes ten of Marvel’s most remarkable issues, each carefully chosen by none other than Patton Oswalt, the voice of MODOK, and Jordan Blum, artist and co-creator of Marvel’s MODOK series on Hulu.
Here’s a peek at the specific issues featured in “Marvel: Unforgettable Stories”:
If you’re looking to expand your comic collection, there’s more to explore. You can find hardcover volumes celebrating some of Marvel’s greatest hits from the illustrious Golden, Silver, and Bronze ages, priced at $280 each. But if you’re on the hunt for adventures starring your favorite superheroes, The Folio Society has a selection dedicated to the epic journeys of Marvel’s iconic figures such as The Avengers, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Captain America, and many others.