According to data from Amazon US, Quest headsets didn’t perform as well in the sales arena during Black Friday and Cyber Monday in 2024 compared to the previous year. In 2023, approximately 170,000 units were sold over the 30-day period surrounding these events. Fast forward to 2024, and the figures reveal a decrease to around 146,000 units, marking a 14% drop. However, it’s worth noting that these statistics specifically reflect Amazon’s sales and might not be reflective of the performance across all retailers.
It’s quite unexpected, especially considering Meta’s strategic moves this year. They launched the much-anticipated Quest 3S, offered a hefty price cut on the Quest 3, and released the highly awaited game, Batman: Arkham Shadow, just in time for the shopping season. Last year, the emphasis was on the Quest 2, which was starting to show its age. The Black Friday deal back then, which offered the 128GB version for just $250 along with a $50 gift card, effectively brought the cost down to a tempting $200.
That particular deal seemed to resonate more with consumers than the current year’s offering. This time around, Meta’s highlight was the Quest 3S, with the 128GB variant priced at $300 paired with a $75 gift card, which brought the effective price down to $225. Although the difference in cost isn’t substantial, and the Quest 3S certainly justifies the additional $25 from a value perspective, it’s clear that price alone isn’t the only consideration for buyers. The broader economic landscape, competitive deals, and perhaps even shifting interests in VR technology can all play a role.
When looking at the sales ratio between the Quest 3S and Quest 3 during this year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it appears they are selling at about a 3:1 ratio, mirroring the dynamic seen between the Quest 2 and Quest 3 in 2023.