Excitement is brewing as Amazon prepares to release its animated video game anthology series, Secret Level, later this month. Fans might be surprised to learn that the Concord episode will still be included, even though the game itself is no longer with us.
Concord, the ill-fated game that led to its studio’s closure after an underwhelming performance, left a lingering question mark, especially since it has an episode in Secret Level. Despite this, Amazon made sure that the episode would see the light of day. Series creators Tim Miller and Dave Willson confirmed in a recent conversation with GamesRadar that canceling the episode was never considered. “There was no talk about shelving the episode. I mean, neither Amazon nor we brought it up because, honestly, why would we?” Miller explained when asked if canceling had ever been a possibility.
Miller continued, pointing out, “We’ve got games featured in the series that aren’t active anymore, like Unreal Tournament. Concord’s situation is a bit different, sure, but in the end, we’ve produced an intriguing story paired with stunning animation. Our team poured so much effort into it, and fans deserve to see it. People might be wondering, ‘Why keep this episode?’ or ‘What were they thinking?’ but we see no reason to hold it back.”
Highlighting their pride in this work, Miller shared, “We’re genuinely proud of the episode—it’s visually compelling. It’s disappointing that the game doesn’t exist now. The developers were good folks doing their best. This doesn’t shake our determination to release this episode that we and many talented artists have worked so hard on.”
Willson echoed this sentiment, noting that the series aimed to spotlight games from the past, present, and future. Concord’s timeline might be fresh and perhaps a bit painful still, but the episode offers a chance to envision a future road never traveled—a future which, admittedly, might not have appealed to many. Nonetheless, this glimpse into what might have been could offer some intriguing insights.