On Thursday, Netflix gave fans a fresh peek at its upcoming animated series based on the popular Devil May Cry franchise. This sneak preview came in the form of the opening credits for the new anime adaptation by Adi Shankar and Studio Mir. What’s really capturing attention is the unexpected yet audacious choice of music: Limp Bizkit’s “Rollin’.” This track, a hit from the band’s 2000 album Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water, sets the stage perfectly.
Reflecting on products of the early 2000s, both the original Devil May Cry game and Limp Bizkit’s third album hail from this era. While some die-hard fans of the game might insist on the original soundtracks, it’s hard to deny how “Rollin’” complements the show with its nostalgic flair.
Explaining the choice of music on social media, Shankar described the show’s setting as a throwback to the late ’90s and early 2000s, reminiscent of the PS2’s heyday. He notes that it’s intentionally not set in contemporary times, but in a period that resonates with pre- and post-9/11 sentiments. This is reflected in the music selected, which combines hits from that time with reimagined classics from the Devil May Cry franchise, with collaboration from synthwave duo Power Glove, known for their work on Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. This collaboration is a nod to the inspiration they provided for Shankar’s Captain Laserhawk series.
Shankar also hinted at different vibes across the show’s seasons, mirroring the way each game in the series presents a unique feel. This means audiences can expect a fresh theme song and a distinct title design for each season. He tantalizingly warned fans, “You are not prepared for this soundtrack.”
Fans of Devil May Cry can also look forward to the series launching on Netflix on April 3. This reveal is especially exciting, considering the series was initially slated for 2024. Now, with a fixed release date, anticipation is building.
This upcoming series, created and executive produced by Adi Shankar (known for Castlevania and Captain Laserhawk), boasts a script by Alex Larsen (Yasuke) and will feature a total of eight episodes. The narrative centers on a youthful Dante, drawing inspiration from the 2005 prequel Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening. Animation duties are handled by Studio Mir, renowned for their work on The Legend of Korra, The Boondocks, Young Justice, and Harley Quinn.
Netflix’s anime adaptation is based on Capcom’s beloved 23-year-old action franchise, originally brought to life by game designer Hideki Kamiya. Kamiya, who recently announced a return to the Okami series, adds another connection for fans eagerly awaiting new Devil May Cry content in the wake of the 2018 release of Devil May Cry 5. Here’s hoping that this anime series is just the beginning of more to come from the franchise!