Next month marks an exciting development in the DC Universe spearheaded by James Gunn: the release of “Creature Commandos.” This animated series dives into the lives of some of DC’s lesser-known comic characters. Of particular note is the involvement of Alan Tudyk, a talented actor whom you might recognize from roles like K-2SO in “Star Wars: Rogue One,” King Candy in “Wreck-It Ralph,” and even the quirky chicken in “Moana.” Tudyk brings his vocal skills to “Creature Commandos” as Doctor Phosphorus, but there’s more of a twist. Fans of the animated series “Harley Quinn” might already know Tudyk as the voice of Clayface, and he’s reprising this role in the new series, albeit portraying a different version of the character.
In a chat with Rotten Tomatoes, Tudyk let slip, “I play Clayface in this series,” while elaborating on how his portrayal differs from the one fans know. The version seen in “Harley Quinn” is more comedic, described by Tudyk as an “idiot,” whereas the new interpretation is that of a “homicidal maniac.” He expressed his excitement about the opportunity to portray this iconic Batman villain in such distinct ways, applauding DC’s creative latitude. It’s intriguing that Tudyk tackles this Batman baddie before even the Dark Knight himself appears in Gunn’s developing narrative for the DC movies, indicating a fresh route in comic book adaptations.
It’s been previously speculated that Tudyk’s talents were secured for a “secret role” in Gunn’s upcoming “Superman” feature, which hints that audiences might see Tudyk as a live-action Clayface sooner than expected. Given his versatility, it’s possible he could contribute to another character entirely; we’ll have to stay tuned for the film’s debut on July 11, 2025, to find out. Meanwhile, don’t forget that “Creature Commandos” premieres soon on Max, beginning December 5.