In the episodes leading up to the infamous 900th, the team finds themselves with a show that’s refreshingly ordinary. James takes the reins, providing the much-needed structure that transforms the episode into something noteworthy—Peabody Award-worthy, even.
Kicking off the New Business segment, James dives into the Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection at 00:10:53. These games don’t hold back; they don’t even pretend to be gentle. Meanwhile, Guillaume is eager to experience Street Fighter IV with all its features, but a second-hand copy plus DLC leaves something to be desired, as he reveals at 00:34:37. Taking a nostalgic turn, he also revisits an even older classic: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King at 00:45:00. Greg provides a brief update on F-Zero Climax, though he chose to complete all the fresh F-Zero 99 content before diving deep (00:52:21). The highlight of his New Business is a retro-styled remake, Shadow of the Ninja: Reborn, which he discusses at 00:54:44.
This week’s email segment brings two curious topics: crafting a Broadway production for Nintendo at 01:21:55, and identifying the false Pac-Man ghost at 01:43:22. They stress how essential emails are—an integral part of existence, even.
The episode gets its polish in the editing room thanks to James Jones. The “Men of Leisure” theme is a Perry Burkum original, made just for Radio Free Nintendo. You can find more of Perry’s work on SoundCloud. Connor Strickland is the creative mind behind the Radio Free Nintendo logo; check out his latest projects on his website.
Wrapping things up, the ending music for this episode is “Library Piano” from Luigi’s Mansion 2. Requested by Regmcfly, the piece is under the umbrella of Nintendo Co., Ltd—rights fully reserved.