In the expansive universe of The Elder Scrolls, Tamriel teems with magical possibilities, yet Skyrim limited its magical disciplines. As fans look toward The Elder Scrolls 6, there’s growing anticipation for broader magical development. Given the deeply magical nature of Tamriel, introducing a new magic school in the next installment feels like a natural evolution. Skyrim’s magic system, when compared to its predecessors, felt a bit constrained, which paves the way for fresh innovations in magic for the upcoming game.
Skyrim offered players an assortment of spells neatly categorized into established schools of magic. However, The Elder Scrolls 6 has a wonderful opportunity to redefine what magic can be within the series. By broadening the magical interactions available to players, the game could introduce entirely new forms and schools of magic, elevating magical experiences to new levels. Alternatively, the game could choose to deepen and expand the existing schools, particularly those like Conjuration, which have shown potential but haven’t been fully realized in Skyrim.
The next iteration of The Elder Scrolls is likely to be set in a different region of Tamriel. Each province has its own rich tapestry of history and culture, so incorporating unique magical traditions and teachings would not only be fitting but also enrich the game’s lore. This change in setting could be the perfect backdrop to introduce a school of magic that is intrinsic to the new location and its inhabitants.
Skyrim’s straightforward approach to magic might have simplified the experience, but there is a treasure trove of inspiration in the series’ history. Older titles like The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall and Battlespire featured a School of Thaumaturgy, later absorbed into the School of Alteration. Systems like the Shouts, racial abilities, alchemy, enchanting, and the mystical properties of soul gems and Standing Stones offer fertile ground for developing new magical systems in The Elder Scrolls 6.
While it’s tempting to conceive entirely new magical disciplines, it might be equally rewarding to delve deeper into the existing ones. Skyrim’s magic offered far fewer options than its forebears, so there is significant potential in reviving past favorites and creating new spells within established schools, enriching the player’s magical arsenal.
Not all spells in established schools have been directly accessible to players historically. Take the School of Conjuration, for example, which includes necromancy. Though necromancy is often portrayed as raising the undead, it could be greatly expanded into its own intricate system within the game, reflecting its standing as a distinct magical art in other fictional worlds.
Necromancy’s ties to soul gems, its own ethereal plane in the Soul Cairn, and varying cultural perceptions provide a wealth of narrative and gameplay possibilities in The Elder Scrolls 6. By expanding upon these aspects within the School of Conjuration, developers could enrich both the lore and the role-playing experience without needing to establish an entirely new school of magic.