Recently, Square Enix put an end to the swirling rumors by confirming that a mobile version of Final Fantasy 14 is indeed in development. This new adaptation is being crafted by Lightspeed Studios, which falls under Tencent’s umbrella and is famous for its work on PUBG Mobile. While details are still unfolding, we’ve learned a few intriguing tidbits: the jobs available at launch and the plan for a China-first release before hitting global markets. Naturally, fans have been buzzing with questions about where this mobile version will begin. After all, the MMO’s history includes five substantial expansions, but newcomers cannot just leap to the latest content. Fortunately, producer Naoki “Yoshi-P” Yoshida clarified this in a Q&A video released just yesterday.
When this mobile edition finally makes its debut, everyone’s journey will kick off with A Realm Reborn. Yoshida shared that this setup allows seasoned Final Fantasy 14 players to revisit the storyline from their mobile devices, and it provides fresh adventurers a chance to dive into the full narrative. According to him, a significant amount of content has already been created. Lightspeed Studios plans to roll out these updates steadily, and they’re open to tweaking the release schedule based on player feedback—whether that means speeding things up or keeping a steady pace.
It’s worth noting, though, that “beginning” is a bit of a misnomer here. A Realm Reborn isn’t technically where it all started. Remember the notorious 1.0 version? It’s no longer playable, even though some of its storylines tie directly into the current MMO’s plot. There’s been some chatter among fans wishing for a revisit, akin to World of Warcraft Classic, so they could experience 1.0 again. This mobile version seemed a potential avenue for that, but for now, such desires remain in the realm of old YouTube videos.
For those eager to learn more about the mobile adaptation, the full Q&A video is worth watching. It touches on the monetization aspect, which, though it’s a free-to-play model, doesn’t sound too daunting. Of course, only time will tell how all this pans out, but the anticipation is certainly building.