Heart Machine, the creators behind the acclaimed game Hyper Light Drifter, recently announced a reduction in their workforce. In a statement shared with Game Developer, the studio confirmed that they have let go of a significant portion of their team. However, they emphasized their commitment to the affected employees by ensuring severance payments and continuing healthcare benefits for a period.
The company went on to highlight their dedication to professional ethics, pledging to credit those who were laid off—an act not as common as one might hope in the industry. Additionally, they affirmed that any revenue-sharing arrangements with the former staff would still be honored.
In addressing concerns about upcoming projects, Yiyi Zhang, the studio’s community and PR manager, assured fans that the anticipated release of Hyper Light Breaker remains on schedule. “We are determined that this unfortunate event won’t disrupt the exciting launch we have planned. A successful launch will, in fact, create new opportunities for everyone involved, as we expand and enhance the game during its Early Access,” Zhang stated confidently.
She also reassured that their other projects, such as Possessor(s), are moving forward without any setbacks. Zhang expressed gratitude toward their supportive community, saying, “Your backing means the world to us. We’re optimistic about what lies ahead—not just for our upcoming projects, but for our talented colleagues and the broader gaming industry as well.”
Heart Machine earned recognition for Hyper Light Drifter back in 2016 and is now channeling their efforts into its sequel, Hyper Light Breaker. Set to enter Early Access in 2025, this project is progressing unscathed despite the recent layoffs.