Foreign Gnomes has done it again, inviting us back into the whimsical world of Everhood with their much-anticipated sequel, Everhood 2. At first, I didn’t foresee Everhood 2 being on the horizon, but here it is, and let me tell you, it’s the continuation we didn’t know we were longing for. This sequel doesn’t just sit comfortably on the groundbreaking base built by its predecessor—it shatters that foundation and reconstructs it with remarkable improvements. Yes, its nod to Undertale is evident, just like the original Everhood’s was, but that’s nothing to hold against it! Having had the chance to dive into the original Everhood on the Nintendo Switch back in 2021, my curiosity was thoroughly piqued for this latest installment.
Before diving into your adventure, remember that the decisions you make in Everhood 2 will shape your journey’s path. You’ll be starting off by answering an intriguing question: What do you cherish the most in games? Is it the Story, Battle and Challenges, Unique Experiences, or perhaps even the Funny Stuff? Following that, you’ll need to consider how you like your challenges served. You’ll choose from Story Mode, Easy, Medium, or Hard, establishing the game’s difficulty to your preference.
The next query is rather interesting: Do you talk to every character in a room? Options here include Yes, No, or I Don’t Know. If this feels like too much, brace yourself, as there are more questions along this line to come, each taking a tad more personal tone. You can stop whenever you decide you’ve had enough, and what awaits is a colorful result that defines your soul’s hue.
Moving on from setup, once you’re in, navigating your character is simple—you have the option of using either the left analog stick or the D-Pad. Interaction with elements or other characters is with the A button, and the menu, showcasing your collected items, is accessible with X. Switching between characters requires just a tap of the L and R buttons. Much like its predecessor, Everhood 2 will plunge you into an array of battles, which might seem a bit unusual if you missed the first game.
In Everhood 2, battles come alive through music. The key is to tune into the rhythm of each song. You must deftly dodge attacks while seeking the perfect moment to strike. With the left analog stick or D-Pad, you maneuver between lanes, jumping using either the up button or B. You can absorb some attacks with ZR or A, and then launch your own with ZL or Y.
New to the sequel is the ability to press and hold ZR or A, allowing you to absorb several notes in one go. The energy absorbed grants you the power to unleash mighty attacks, but here’s a word of caution—get hit and all that stored energy is lost. Energy colors can’t be mixed either, meaning you have to focus on absorbing the same shade to maximize your power. Watch out for barrier notes—they can halt your attacks. Once you’ve got a hold of certain weapons, you’ll switch through them with L and R, figuring out the most effective tool for different scenarios.
An exciting addition in Everhood 2 is battling enemies as you explore the overworld, reminiscent of old classics like Earthbound. Winning battles rewards you with experience points, and collecting bonus points from treasure chests helps you level up, boosting your HP and attack in the process. Level advancement also unlocks new cosmetic options to tailor your character’s appearance.
The wonderful world of Everhood is back in this quirky sequel that ventures into untapped territories. Admittedly, when word of Everhood 2 got out, it came as a surprise, but now that it’s here, it’s a delightful surprise at that. Everhood 2 encapsulates the heart of its forerunner while elevating every aspect that fans loved, all the while drawing inspiration from Undertale in its charm and style.
As you navigate these eclectic realities, you’re a unique being guided by Raven, who aids you in reaching your full potential. Your expedition starts with hunting a dragon to earn your Soul Weapon. Gathering Power Gems will let you upgrade your abilities: the first boosts your medium cast with Armor Break power, while subsequent gems increase your overall damage—though at increasing costs. With Everhood 2 launching tomorrow for $20 on the Nintendo Switch, you’re in for an adventure that’s as unpredictable as it is entertaining.
In summary, Everhood 2 is the sequel we were unaware we needed—charming, unexpected, and offering a delightful expansion to a beloved universe.
Disclaimer: This review is based on a Nintendo Switch copy of Everhood 2 provided by Foreign Gnomes.