Snap, the company that brought us Snapchat, is making waves in the tech world by slashing the price of its latest Spectacles AR Glasses for students and teachers, effectively cutting the hefty $1,200 launch price in half.
These fifth-generation Spectacles, known as Spectacles ’24, debuted back in September 2024 with developers in mind, carrying a price tag of $100 per month if you commit for a year.
Snap’s newest AR spectacles have come a long way since the fourth-generation model from 2021. They boast significant upgrades such as an expanded field-of-view, enhanced resolution, hand-tracking features, and a rejuvenated software stack. However, the high price tag has been a bit of a hurdle for students and educators eager to delve into the world of AR app development.
Now, Snap is easing that financial burden by offering a student discount that halves the price of these Spectacles. The new plan requires a commitment of $49.50 per month for the first 12 months, followed by the same monthly fee for ongoing use. Alternatively, you can make a one-time payment of $594 to cover the initial year, with the monthly fee continuing thereafter.
To take advantage of this offer, you’ll need to have a .edu email address or one from an accredited educational institution. The discount is available to students and teachers across several countries, including the US, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria, and the Netherlands.
For those curious to know more about Snap’s latest Spectacles, I recommend checking out our detailed explainer from last year. We’ve covered everything from specs and capabilities to software details.
Update (January 24th, 2:53 PM ET): We’ve revised some wording to better explain the headset costs.