Over the past few days since Christmas Eve, Ayaneo has been steadily sharing more insights about their anticipated Ayaneo 3 handheld device. The latest and most intriguing update is the introduction of swappable control modules, setting a new bar for customization in handheld gaming. While modular designs have been seen with the Victrix Pro BFG controller, their integration into a handheld device is particularly exciting, especially with the addition of robust hall-effect sensors in the analog sticks and triggers.
Ayaneo isn’t holding back on revealing their latest innovation. Through a series of Tweets and Discord updates, accompanied by a detailed video, they’ve showcased the Ayaneo 3 from various angles, emphasizing its interchangeable control modules. Back in November, we got a glimpse of the specs, confirming the device will feature configurations like the Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 and Ryzen 7 8840U. Though specifics about pricing and other tech specs remain under wraps, it’s anticipated that more will be unveiled during an official launch scheduled for “Late January 2025.”
One of the standout features of the Ayaneo 3 is the adaptability of its control modules. Not only are the modules swappable, but users can invert them and swap individual buttons as well. This sort of customization makes the device perfect for any gaming genre that uses a controller. For instance, fans of six-button fighting games such as Street Fighter will appreciate the six-face-button module, while modules with a touchpad are geared towards a desktop gaming style, enhanced by Steam Input’s capabilities.
Without the full details, particularly pricing, it’s tricky to determine just how the Ayaneo 3 stacks up as a value proposition. However, the early features suggest it will offer significant flexibility and could be a cost-effective choice, especially for those opting for a Ryzen 7 8840U paired with a 7-inch LCD instead of the OLED option. Whether that particular trade-off pays off will depend on future pricing announcements. Yet, it’s already shaping up to be a formidable contender against other premium handhelds expected next year, thanks largely to its novel modular control design that prioritizes personalized gaming experiences.