The Civilization series stands as a titan in the world of video gaming, renowned for its longevity and strategic depth. Civilization VI, the latest in this illustrious lineup since its 2017 debut, offers a diverse range of leaders and mechanics. Each leader brings distinct strengths and challenges, especially on different map types, influencing the path to victory in unique ways.
On the Pangaea map, every civilization, city-state, and band of barbarians share one massive landmass. This setup often leads to intense competition and frequent conflicts. Leaders with powerful naval abilities may struggle, but those inclined towards military prowess, enhanced land units, and domination strategies can excel on this crowded supercontinent.
Lady Six Sky
Mastering a Compact but Impressive Empire
Lady Six Sky leads the Mayans, one of the Mesoamerican civilizations in Civilization VI. The Mayans benefit from clustering their cities, which naturally results in a smaller empire compared to those spreading widely across the map. This approach not only avoids unnecessary wars for territory but also ensures a defensible empire that thrives on science, culture, or faith over military conquest. On a bustling Pangaea map, while others battle over every inch of land, Mayan players can focus on inward growth and strategic victories.
Unleashing an Improved Army Through Conquest
Shaka represents a formidable force when it comes to domination. His Zulu armies form Corps and Armies earlier than most, giving them a strategic edge in combat. The loyalty bonus for garrisoned units helps maintain newly captured cities, preventing revolts. In the competitive landscape of Pangaea, Shaka’s military strengths can quickly expand his territory, letting him subdue opponents before they become bigger threats.
Harnessing Cavalry for Overwhelming Offensives
Tomyris proves a mighty opponent, with her Scythian forces capable of assembling vast light cavalry units. With each cavalry unit or Saka Horse Archer produced, an additional one joins the ranks, allowing Scythian players to quickly amass a dominating force. This cavalry might be used for swift territorial control or persistent harassment of enemies, capitalizing on the lack of water barriers on Pangaea that might otherwise slow her down.
Genghis Khan
Riding the Strongest Cavalry to Conquest
Genghis Khan’s legendary cavalry receives a substantial combat boost, overshadowing rivals on the battlefield. His units often capture enemy cavalry instead of destroying them, strengthening his ranks with each victory. The Ă–rtöö ability grants him swift intel, ensuring tactical advantages and well-timed assaults. For those seeking to dominate Pangaea, Genghis Khan’s cavalry prowess is unmatched.
Hojo Takimune
Commanding Coastal Defense and Expansion
Hojo Takimune, with his historical defense against Mongol invasions, equips Japan with enhanced coastal combat abilities and resilient city development. Japan’s district bonuses enable dense, highly defensible cities. On Pangaea, where defense against aggression is crucial, Hojo provides a strategic advantage, balancing peaceful growth with a robust defense against aggressive contenders.
SimĂłn BolĂvar
Commanding Rapid Continental Campaigns
SimĂłn BolĂvar’s legacy of liberation is reflected in his ability to lead rapid military campaigns across South America. In Civilization VI, his forces are remarkably mobile, able to promote and decisively act within the same turn. BolĂvar’s armies can swiftly traverse the Pangaea landmass, positioning Gran Colombia to strategically strike with unprecedented speed.
Dominating with Territorial Expansion Warfare
Chandragupta, emblematic of unification in ancient India, leads with a unique approach to domination through Territorial Expansion Wars. Indian cities benefit from a rich tapestry of diverse beliefs, further bolstering Chandragupta’s capacious strength. Capitalizing on Pangaea’s inevitable cultural mingling, his forces are adept at turning cultural diversity into a domination-driving force. His military advantages during expansion wars ensure a relentless conquest strategy that secures his empire’s dominance across the supercontinent.
Civilization VI, rolling out since October 2016, continues to enchant players with its intricate mechanics and dynamic strategic pathways, holding a ‘Mighty’ OpenCritic rating and offering a diverse roster of leaders, each tailored to various victory aspirations and gameplay experiences.